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President's Message

JUNE/July 2018

Dear all,


It is my great pleasure to introduce you to the new website of the Maltese Association of Radiologists and Nuclear Medicine Physicians. The aim of the website is multifold. First of all it will give the association a platform for communication with its members. It will also fulfill the purpose of a window onto the association's activity at both national and international levels. The website also aims at providing educational material to radiologists and radiologists in training as well as to provide information to patients.


I would like to take this opportunity to extend my warm gratitude to all council members for their incessant contribution toward the association. A special thank you goes to Dr Kelvin Cortis, MARNMP secretary, who has been a keystone in the launch of the MARNMP website project.


The website should be active and dynamic and all members should feel participant.

I therefore encourage all MARNMP members to contribute and make this initiative a lasting success.




Adrian Mizzi
MARNMP president


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