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President's Message

DeCEMBER 2018 / January 2019

Dear MARNMP members,


2018 is coming to an end. In February 2018, MARNMP teamed up with the Association of Surgeons of Malta in holding the first Joint Surgical and Radiological Meeting (JSRSM). The meeting was very well attended and trainee participation was excellent. We had two foreign speakers, one of whom was unfortunately held back from traveling to Malta because of the unusually windy weather that hit Sicily in the weekend of the event.  The meeting was a very good opportunity for the two societies to work in close collaboration. We hope to repeat this event in the future, perhaps on a biannual frequency.


MARNMP held two evening CME meetings, both of which were well attended by our members. We also had the AGM evening event.

The MARNMP committee members’ positions expire in January 2019.  Nominations for posts of president, secretary, treasurer, SAC committee representative, trainee representative and international representative are therefore open.  In the absence of new nominations, the present committee members will have their post extended by 2 years.


I would like to congratulate our five 4th year trainees who have all passed the FRCR 2b examination. I would also like to welcome the five new 1st year trainees who have just joined our training scheme at Mater Dei Hospital.  This takes our trainee complement to an all time record number of 15.


I would like to remind you to renew your ESR membership for 2019 before 19 December 2018, in order to be eligible to vote in the ESR elections in January.  Registered full ESR members will received an invitation to vote from on Thursday 10 January 2019.  All MARNMP members are encouraged to be active ESR members and to participate in the voting process.


I wish you all a Merry Christmas and a Prosperous, Healthy and Happy New Year 2019,


Adrian Mizzi
President of the Maltese Association of Radiologists and Nuclear Medicine Physicians.


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